The Department has the responsibility for administering the Co-operative Societies Act; the Friendly Societies Act; the Industrial and Provident Act; the Agricultural Loan Societies and Approved Organizations and their respective Regulations and is designated Charities Authority under the Charities Act 2013. Its objectives are to facilitate the establishment of Registered Charitable Organizations; Co-operative Societies; Societies registered under the Friendly Societies Act; Industrial and Provident Societies; Agricultural Loan Societies and Approved Organization and to supervise their operations.
The Department’s mandate under the Jurisdiction of the Acts and Regulations is focused primarily at ensuring the safety of these organization’s assets, the protection of Members' savings and investments and the protection of other stakeholders interests. Its functions include:-
Welcome to the official website of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce.
The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce is described as Jamaica's "Business Ministry." It's mandate is to lead the development of policies that will create growth and jobs, while achieving social inclusion and consumer protection. The Ministry, working its stakeholders is primarily responsible for business policy development, monitoring and evaluation, while giving direction and oversight to a cluster of implementing departments and agencies.
We have, therefore, placed much energy and enthusiasm into the development of this website to provide timely information on the Ministry, our agencies and programmes.
4 St. Lucia Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica
Telephone: (876) 968-7116
Fax: (876) 960-7422