Certificates of Accreditation and Re-Accreditation were presented to the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) Certification Division and the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards Implementation Division, respectively, by the Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC), during a Trinidad & Tobago Trade Mission breakfast meeting, held at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad, on March 9. Participating (from left) are Manager, Implementation Division, Gerard Maxwell; Chief Executive Officer at JANAAC, Sharonmae Shirley; Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Senator the Hon. Aubyn Hill; Chairman of the TTBS, Lawford Dupres; Minister of Trade and Industry, Trinidad & Tobago, Senator the Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon; TTBS Executive Director, José Trejo and Manager, TTBS Certification Division, Rodney Ramnath.
The two-day trade mission to Trinidad and Tobago, led by Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Senator the Hon. Aubyn Hill, is currently under way. The mission, which will take place from March 9 to 10, will seek to expand co-operation in trade affairs between the two countries, with great focus being placed on creating and strengthening partnerships in the technology, finance, manufacturing and distribution, logistics and consulting services sectors. It will also seek to strengthen the more than 59 years of diplomatic relationship between the two countries, through continued...
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