Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Senator the Hon. Aubyn Hill (standing, second left) looks on as Operations Manager, Port Computer Services Limited, Kay Wilson Kelly, (seated, second left), signs the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signifying his company’s participation in the inaugural Technology Innovation District (TID) Accelerator Project, during a press launch held on Tuesday (March 14) at the corporate offices of Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) in Kingston. Also observing the proceedings are (from left, seated) Programme Director, Global Services Sector Project (GSSP), Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO), Marjorie Straw; President, JAMPRO, Shullette Cox; Vice President, Marketing, JAMPRO, Gabriel Herron; (and standing from left) Chief of Operations, Inter- American Development Bank (IDB), Lorenzo Escondeur; TID Accelerator Zone Manager, Tastey Blackman; and VP, Sales and Promotions, JAMPRO, Norman Naar.
Five Firms Sign on to JAMPRO’s Technology Accelerator Project
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